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Download Microsoft Word 2021 for Windows

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Word processing and document creation program

Microsoft Word

Word 2019 is a word processor developed by Microsoft. Word for Windows is part of the Microsoft 365 suite (formerly known as Office 365) but it can be downloaded independently. The client communication program offers more features to help you write your documents such as improved digital pen features, book-like page navigation, Learning tools, and translation. It also allows you to collaborate with other users in real-time. You will see their name and what changes they’ve made. 

Editing tools 

As an Office and News software provider, Microsoft wants to provide its users with tools to help them improve their ability to share and absorb information. The features are not exclusive to writers, but for those that draw illustrations and write equations as well. Learning Tools is Word’s collection of tools that will help with reading comprehension. It’s a set of five tools, namely Column Width, Page Color, Text Spacing, Syllables, and Read Aloud. 

Read Aloud is an updated version of a previous Office Command – Speak. As the name suggests, the tool reads the text on the page for you. It appears as a small toolbar on the upper right corner of the text area. You can instruct it to fast forward, go back, pause, read louder, faster, etc. There is also a catalog of different voices that have a variety of accents. 

There is also an option for you to dictate the words you want to appear on the paper. Its similar to the Windows Speech Recognition (or Speech Services) feature except that the activity is under Word’s control. Once a red dot appears on the page, it means that the Dictate feature is active. You can dictate words, punctuation marks, new lines, and new paragraphs. This feature will help those that express themselves better through speech. 


Files created in Microsoft 365 can be embedded with programs and advanced macros. These are used to prevent repetitive sequences of automated keystrokes and mouse movements; however, it can also host viruses from emails, instant messaging applications, and USB flash drives. Word 2019 has a solution for this; it regulates the macros functions of a file. This means it limits the capabilities it can execute thus reducing the risk of a macro-based virus from entering your PC. 

Another feature you can use is the Password Protect. You can keep the contents of your file private with a password so only authorized can view it. Microsoft protects all its files with an Advanced Encryption Standard and a cryptographic hash function so your password can be converted into a 128-bit key. This ensures that your password can only be removed by you. It also slows down any attempt to view the file’s contents or source code. 

This preventative measure complements the program’s co-authoring feature. You can receive a Word document in an email. Your browser will detect that its a DOCX file and will prompt you to edit the file in your browser. Here you will see other users that are working on the same document and editing it online. All the changes that have been made to the file are recorded. As the author, it’s up to you to reject or accept the change. 

Essential word processing program 

Word 2019 is an important office application that can be used by all users. Its features make it a suitable tool for writers and officials to create lengthy documents. You can also record classified information are as your files remain safe under Word’s security features. The password and AES-128 encryption keeps unauthorized users from prying the file’s code, let alone view the file’s contents. 

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